
  • Food rescue.

    Our volunteers pick up excess food from local food donors and deliver it directly to places that distribute food to hungry people.

  • Community fridges and pantries.

    Community fridges are refrigerators placed in a public space to enable food to be shared, at no cost, within a community. Anyone can take food out or put food in.

    Want to host a community fridge or little free pantry? Contact us, and we will provide the fridge or pantry and the volunteers to help manage it.

  • Period equity.

    Working to eliminate period poverty and period stigma by distributing menstrual products and advocating for menstrual equity in policy.

  • Harm reduction.

    Proactively using evidence-based approaches to reduce the negative impacts associated with substance use. We distribute harm reduction supplies like risk reduction kits, wound care kits, naloxone, syringe disposal containers, emergency contraception, condoms, and more.